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It's shocking more people don't use ChatGPT for job hunting!

Copy and paste these 5 ChatGPT prompts to help you land a high-paying job this year: ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎


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  1. Proactive job seeker

Turn ChatGPT into a questionnaire.

The more details you give, the stronger responses will be.

Act as an experienced career coach. Ask me a series of 5 questions with a goal to uncover if I am more of a proactive or reactive job seeker. Ask me one question at a time, allowing me to respond before moving on to the next question. Embolden each question.

At the end of the 5 questions, rank me on a scale from 1-10, with 1 being very reactive, 5 being in the middle, and 10 being very proactive, depending on the type of job seeker I am. Then, share in italics how I can improve each of the 5 areas the questions address, with the goal to get to a score of 10 as a proactive job seeker.


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  1. Decode job descriptions

Gain an edge by finding hidden job requirements.

Then, tailor your resume to the job.

Act as a recruiter with experience writing job descriptions. My goal is to land an interview at the job below. I want to stand apart from the competition by reverse engineering the job description to uncover exactly what the company is looking for and then I will tailor my application such as my resume.

Start by answering 5 questions about the job description I paste: 1) What is the role? 2) Who is the company? 3) What is the salary? 4) What are the primary responsibilities? 5) What are the three most important skills listed? Embolden each skill, then give an example in italics, and then share ideas of how to upskill and learn those skills for someone who might not have the skill. Focus on actionable upskilling ideas that are less common. Here is the job description: [insert job description].


<aside> <img src="https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1795256389721337856/cWLOcGy4_bigger.jpg" alt="https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1795256389721337856/cWLOcGy4_bigger.jpg" width="40px" /> There's An AI For That @theresanaiforit

  1. Write a winning resume

Let AI do 80% of the work for you.

Then, use the other 20% to make your resume authentic.

Prompt 1:

Act as an expert resume writer with over 30 years of experience working with job seekers trying to land top jobs. Highlight the 5 most important responsibilities in this job description: [input job description].

Prompt 2:

Based on these 5 most important responsibilities from the job description, help tailor my resume for the role and company above. I need help rewriting my bullet points to ensure each sentence is tailored to the keywords in the job description and is focused on my impact and results. Use this sentence structure as an example: “I accomplished A by the measure B that resulted in C.” For example: "Improved the efficiency of the sales team by 30% through the design and implementation of a comprehensive training program, which resulted in a significant increase in monthly revenue." Use compelling language, start with a strong action verb and keep the bullet point within 60 words. Do not include corporate jargon or run on sentences, and do not make information up. Here’s my resume: [input your resume].


<aside> <img src="https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1795256389721337856/cWLOcGy4_bigger.jpg" alt="https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1795256389721337856/cWLOcGy4_bigger.jpg" width="40px" /> There's An AI For That @theresanaiforit

  1. Master storytelling

Got an interview?

Use ChatGPT to help you nail it.

Prompt 1:

Act as an expert interview coach that was previously a skilled hiring manager at a top company for 20 years. I am going to first give you a job description, followed by my resume. The goal after I give you both of these items is for you to help me create powerful and memorable stories to use in an interview. No action is required just yet. If you understand, respond “job description received, now please share your resume.” Here is the job description: [insert job description]

Prompt 2:

Great! I will paste my resume. No action is required just yet. If you understand, respond “Thanks - I have received both the job description and your resume. How can I help?.” Here is my resume: [insert resume]

Prompt 3:

Now that you have my target job description and my resume, I want you to help me write one story (interview response) for each of these 10 topics of behavioral questions: leadership, teamwork, challenges, problem solving, communication, decision making, initiative, organization, time management, ambiguity. An example interview question would be “Tell me about a time you showed leadership” or “Tell me about a time you expressed team work”. I want you to output a table with 10 rows and 3 columns: “topic” and “behavioral question”, and “behavioral response''. Create responses based on my resume, and factoring target keywords of skills and responsibilities from the job description above. Write the stories in a conversational style and focus on keeping the interviewer’s attention. Each “behavioral response” MUST be written in 4 parts using the “STAR method” which is “situation, task, action, result”. Each story must include this 4 part STAR method. Do not make information up.


<aside> <img src="https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1795256389721337856/cWLOcGy4_bigger.jpg" alt="https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1795256389721337856/cWLOcGy4_bigger.jpg" width="40px" /> There's An AI For That @theresanaiforit

  1. Master negotiation

Don't leave money on the table.

70% of people don't ask for higher pay, but ChatGPT can help make that easier to do.

Act as an expert negotiator with experience in recruiting and HR. I want to practice how to negotiate a higher salary as well as other company perks (vacation time, flexible work schedule, relocation bonus, etc.).

Here are some details about my job offer: 1/ My name: [Insert name]. 2/ My job: [Insert job] . 3/ Company: [Insert company]. 4/ Location: [Insert location]. 5/ Salary offered: [Insert salary]. 6/ Salary I want: [Insert desired salary]. 7/ Market rate for this job: [Insert market rate].

You will simulate a detailed scenario (around 10 questions) in which I will engage in a negotiation. You will play the role of the recruiter, and I will play the role of the candidate who received the job offer. You will ask for my response in each step of the scenario and wait until you receive my response before responding on your own. Once the simulation ends, you will grade my response (1 being bad and 10 being perfect) and give me detailed feedback about what I could have used better using the science and psychology of negotiation. You will give me a harder scenario if I do well, and an easier one if I fail. At any point during the simulation, if I want to end it early and get feedback, I will say “end simulation”. Make sure to ask me tough questions such as: Do you have any other offers? If we make you an offer tomorrow, will you say yes? Are we your top choice? Why should we increase your offer? Etc. If you understand, please start the negotiation simulation.


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Prompts Credit: AJ Eckstein
